What is GMP Plus?
GMP Plus Feed Safety Assurance (GMP+ FSA) Certification is based on ISO quality management requirements with the integration of a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Plan (HACCP).
The GMP+ certification scheme defines conditions relating to production facilities as well as for storage, transport, trade and monitoring activities. This approach guarantees control throughout the whole feed chain to produce to the highest standards.

Types of GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance Certification
There are several types of GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance (FSA) Certification – B Standards, including:
- GMP+ B1 Production, Trade and Services (version 01.07.2018)
- GMP+ B1.2 Production, Trade & Services – Additional requirements for ISO22000:2005/PAS222:2011 (version 01.07.2018)
- GMP+ B2 Production of Feed Ingredients (version 01.07.2018)
- GMP+ B3 Trade, Collection and Storage & Transshipment (version 01.07.2018)
- GMP+ B3.2 Trade to Livestock Farms (version 01.07.2018)
- GMP+ B4 Transport (version 01.07.2018)
Benefits of GMP Plus
- Identify the essential principles of food hygiene that apply throughout the food chain (including primary production through to the final consumer), to ensure that food is safe and suitable for human consumption.
- Provide guidance on specific codes for sectors of the food chain, processes or commodities in order to boost the hygiene requirements in those sectors.
- Recommend a HACCP-based approach as a means to enhance food safety.
- Point out how to implement those principles.
Ensure Feed Safety with GMP Plus Certification
Enhance the safety and quality of your feed products with GMP Plus certification from SQC. Our experienced consultants will guide you through the certification process to help your business meet global standards in feed safety, protect animal health, and build consumer trust.
Ready to start your GMP Plus certification journey? Contact us today to learn more!